Posted by: Frank Walker LMFT | March 30, 2017

Less Do. More Be.

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We run around trying to fill our lives up.

We get bored so easily.

We have to do.

We have to be on the go.

We have to entertain or be entertained.

When we feel that nothing is happening we have our computers right there with us in our pockets.

Pins, texts, emails, Googles, Instagrams, and games all at our thumb tips. ( As apposed to finger tips.)


Stop for a few minutes, maybe even longer.

Just stop. You can do it, you can.

Look out the window. Check on the weather outside your door. Look at the birds, the trees and the sky.

Just look.

Take a deep breath.

Just be you for a minute or two.

It’s OK to just chill for a moment every day. To loosen your muscles, un-clench your jaw and breathe.

You, the real you is somewhere in all the commotion and noise. Take the time to find that real you.

To be the real you.



Not sure? Confused? Give me a call @

Frank J Walker LMFT

1617 Main Street

Cambria, Ca. 93428


Frank’s books are available @




Thank you
